Sunny Weekend

“Sunny Weekend”, a copyrighted post, was written for my WordPress blog called Always Growing by Jan in Covington, Louisiana 


A sunny weekend, at last.  This weekend has been so nice – cool, sunny, light breeze.   This is the first weekend in months that has been this nice, and I was able to get out in the garden and see how things are doing.  It is amazing how fast things seem to change at this time of year when you are not out in the garden every day.  I can’t wait for longer days, so that after work, I will have more opportunity to be outside.


First surprise was how big the daylilies have gotton.  These are evergreen daylilies, but come late fall and early winter they don’t look their best.  Now, they are filling out nicely with a great deal of new growth.  A few of the other evergreen daylilies are coming out nicely too.  Hopefully this will be a good year for them.  A few of the dormant type dayliles are also starting to show some early beginnings.  Plum tree daylily is sending out new growth, as is Custard Candy.


Evergreen Daylilies in late January

Evergreen Daylilies in late January

Emerginn Plum Tree Daylilies

Emerging Plum Tree Daylilies

Next stop was seeing if any damage was done by the latest freezes.  None to report on, thank goodness, but I did notice that the curry plant I planted last spring was totally unaffected by the cold weather.  We even had two hard freezes, and it came through without any damage.  Last year was the first time I saw this plant, and since it has done so well, I hope to get more to add to the garden.  Plants with gray or silver foliage often do not do well here because of the humidity and heat.  It is nice to find a plant this color that does so well for us here.

Curry Plant Made It Through the Cold Weather

Curry Plant Made It Through the Cold Weather

One of the plants that does best for me in cooler weather is acanthus.  By late August, it usually has all but disappeared, but in January, it looks great.  I have never had any blooms because I keep it in a shadier area than it likes to bloom.  But, it is the foliage that I want most, so to keep this plant happy in our heat, I keep in where the sun is not so constant.

The sea holly is up again.  I think this plant is about three or four years old.  This is about as big as it gets, and it never flowers.  It is supposed to grow here, but after all this time, I think it must not like our heat.  It never gets any larger than four or five inches and just hangs on through the summer.  In late winter, it pops up again, much to my surprise.  It is a determined little thing not to give up completely.
Being outside in great weather also allowed for a few garden chores, such as fertilizing the winter annuals and a little clean up.  Outside on the walk way to the patio, there was a lot of fallen flowers to rake and sweep up.
Fallen Camellia Flowers

Fallen Camellia Flowers

Yes, our large Camellia has dropped many flowers this week, but not to worry, there are still plenty more on the tree.

There is rain predicted for tonight, but I am so glad it has held off until then.  It seems that sunny, mild weekends have been a rarity lately, and I have certainly enjoyed this one.


  1. patientgardener said,

    February 1, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    Its nice to welcome old friends back after the winter. My Camellia is only in bud at the moment but I am really looking forward to it coming out in bloom

  2. Racquel said,

    February 1, 2009 at 2:12 pm

    I really need to add a Camelia to my garden for some winter blooms. Yours looks lovely right now, even the blossoms on the ground are pretty. 🙂

  3. tina said,

    February 1, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    That is a LOT of camelias! It looks so pretty.

  4. Brenda Kula said,

    February 1, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    Boy, we need rain! I haven’t had the sprinklers going since starting the dining room project. As many of the heads were right outside the new doors. Probably need to evaluate that. Love the look of the camellia blossoms.

  5. Tessa said,

    February 1, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    Wonderful! I can’t wait until spring 🙂 I love daylilies- I like how the foliage has a bluish hue at times, at least mine does.

  6. Sue said,

    February 1, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    Oh, dear, I am so excited for my turn at what you are experiencing in your garden. It will be a month or two.

  7. nancybond said,

    February 1, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    That camellia is just stunning, and what a prolific bloomer! It would seem that things truly are *always growing* in your gardens. 😉

  8. Phillip said,

    February 2, 2009 at 8:17 am

    It was a nice weekend! I got a lot done. Now it is back to cold and rainy.

  9. Jan said,

    February 2, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Helen, it is nice to welcome back old friends. It is also a sign that spring is on its way.

    Racquel, you can’t beat camellias for winter beauty. I almost hated to rake up the fallen flowers. I agree they, too, looked pretty.

    Tina, this is a very old tree and is very large, so now we get a ton of flowers every year.

    Brenda, we could use some rain, too. We got a little bit this morning, and now some cold weather is coming for the next few days. It shouldn’t be too cold, though, not like other parts of the country.

    Tessa, daylilies have really risen in my estimation in the last few years. I have started adding more each year, and I can’t wait to see some new blooms this year.

    Sue, the way time is flying by (I can’t believe it is February already) it won’t be long before your garden will be waking up, too.

    Nancy, it does seem that way. It is one of the benefits of living along the Gulf of Mexico – mild temperatures.

    Phillip, it was a lovely weekend, wasn’t it. I am looking forward to more just like this one.

  10. February 3, 2009 at 11:25 am

    Great to see that everything’s brightening up. Camelias look gorgeous!

  11. Anna said,

    February 4, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    You are certainly ahead of us – here the perennials are still keeping their heads underground. I have only just got into daylilies and look forward to seeing more of yours when they bloom.

  12. Jan said,

    February 6, 2009 at 5:37 am

    Chandramouli, I just love that camellia tree. It has really grown over the years, and I am so thankful it was planted many years ago by a previous owner.

    Anna, one of the nice things about being in a mild climate is that winter doesn’t last long. I, too, have not been growing daylilies long, and I am hoping to add some more this year. They are such great plants.

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